
Dr. Ankita Nachankar

Fachärztin für Radioonkologie


Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Japanese, English



PhD in Heavy Ion Therapeutics and Engineering, Gunma University, Japan


DNB in Radioonkologie, National Board of Examination, Indien


MD in Radioonkologie, Tata Memorial Hospital, Indien


MBBS (Medicine), Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Indien

Beruflicher Werdegang

Seit 2022

Post-doctoral Researcher – Kohlenstoffionen Therapie – ACMIT Gmbh, und MedAustron

2017 – 2019

Beraterin in Radioonkologie, Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, Indien

2014 – 2017

Klinische Assistentin, Radioonkologie, Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, Indien

2013 – 2014

Facharztausbildung in Radioonkologie, Tata Memorial Hospital, Indien


Mitglied der AROI

Mitglied der ESTRO

Mitglied der PTCOG

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Nachankar A, Schafasand M, Hug E, Martino G, Góra J, Carlino A, Stock M, Fossati P. Sacral-Nerve-Sparing Planning Strategy in Pelvic Sarcomas/Chordomas Treated with Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy. Cancers. 2024, 26;16:1284. (Impact factor –5.2)

Nachankar A, Fossati P. et al. Planning Strategy to Optimize the Dose-Averaged LET Distribution in Large Pelvic Sarcomas/Chordomas Treated with Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy. Cancers. 2023;15:4903. (Impact factor –5.2)

Nachankar A, Musha A, Kubo N, et al. Dosimetric analysis of intraocular hemorrhage in nonsquamous head and neck cancers treated with carbon-ion radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol. 2022;170:143-150. (Impact factor –6.28)

Nachankar, A.; Oike, T.; Hanaoka, H.; Kanai, A.; et al. 64Cu-ATSM Predicts Efficacy of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy Associated with Cellular Antioxidant Capacity. Cancers2021;13: 6159. (Impact factor –6.639)

Anakura M † , Nachankar A† , Kobayashi D, et al. Radiosensitivity Differences between EGFR Mutant and Wild-Type Lung Cancer Cells are Larger at Lower Doses. Int J Mol Sci.2019;20:3635.(Impact factor –5.923)

Darwis NDM † , Nachankar A† , Sasaki Y, et al. FGFR Signaling as a Candidate Therapeutic Target for Cancers Resistant to Carbon Ion Radiotherapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20:4563. (Impact factor –5.923)

Chen L, Platzer P, Reschl C, Schafasand M, Nachankar A, Lukas Hajdusich C, Kuess P, Stock M, Habraken S, Carlino A. Validation of a deep-learning segmentation model for adult and pediatric head and neck radiotherapy in different patient positions. Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2023;29:100527

Schafasand M, Resch AF, Nachankar A, et al. Investigation on the physical dose filtered by linear energy transfer for treatment plan evaluation in carbon ion therapy. Medical Physics. 2023.

Mahantshetty U, Naga P, Nachankar A, et al. Set-Up Errors, Organ Motion, Tumour Regression and its Implications on Internal Target Volume-Planning Target Volume During Cervical Cancer Radiotherapy: Results From a Prospective Study. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2021; 34:189-197.

Dessai S, Nachankar A, Kataria P, Abyankar A. Management of patients with gynecological cancers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment. 2020; 3:40.

Oike T, Komatsu S, Komatsu Y, Nachankar A, et al. Reporting of methodologies used for clonogenic assays to determine radiosensitivity. J Radiat Res. 2020; 61:828-31.

Rahul Krishnatry, Ankita A Nachankar, Tejpal Gupta,et al. Oral radiation mucositis: a short review. International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery.2011;2:37-43

Bajpai Jyoti, Chauhan Bharat, Nachankar Ankita, et al. Pregnancy on tamoxifen: Case-report and review of literature. South Asian J Cancer. 2016; 5: 209–210.

Ankita Nachankar, Rahul Krishnatry, Amit Joshi, et al. Primary mediastinal seminoma; resistance and relapse: an aggressive entity. Indian J Med PaediatrOncol2013;34:309-12.

Ankita Nachankar, Rahul Krishnatry, et al. Unusual coexistence of a renal anomaly and germ cell tumor: An embryonal happenstance? Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol. 2012; 33: 179–181.

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