Media proprietor and responsible for the content:
EBG MedAustron GmbH
Marie Curie-Straße 5
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Phone: +43 2622 26100
DI Alfred Zens, MBA, Prof. Dr. Eugen B. Hug
Company number:
291863k, Firmenbuchgericht Wiener Neustadt
Regulating authority:
Municipality of Wiener Neustadt, Federal State Government of Lower Austria
Editorial policy:
The website provides information about EBG MedAustron GmbH, the treatment method provided at the centre and research opportunities.
Project Realization:
UX/UI und Art Direction:
menonthemoon GmbH
Photo credits:
MedAustron, Thomas Kästenbauer, Rüdiger Ettl, Franz Baldauf, Thule Jug
Legal Notice:
General Terms and Conditions
Please find our General Terms and Conditions in the following PDF document: General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions for Medical Technology
Please find our General Terms and Conditions for Medical Technology in the follwing PDF document General Terms and Conditions for Medical Technology
Exclusion of Liability
The information on our websites has been put together with the utmost diligence. Nonetheless, we ask you to understand that the EBG MedAustron GmbH cannot guarantee its completeness, accuracy, or actuality. On this website, you will find various direct and indirect links to external websites. Please note that the EBG MedAustron GmbH solely provides access to these websites, but cannot be held responsible for their content. The EBG MedAustron GmbH is thus not to be held liable for any violation of copyrights, trademarks or personal rights committed on those linked sites.
Please note that any downloads are at your own risk. Despite the use of advanced and up-to-date virus checks, we cannot be held responsible for damage or disruptions caused by computer viruses, save as otherwise stipulated by law.
Data Retention and Privacy
When you get in contact with us, we will solely keep the information needed for the processing of your request. In case you provided any personal data and wish it to be deleted, we kindly ask you to contact us via email or post mail ( We will immediately have your data deleted.
All information contained on this website – texts, images, models and processes, layouts and design elements – are thus subject to copyright law. Any processing, commercial use, distribution, inclusion into other works or publications, be it in print or electronically, as well as any further use constitute a copyright violation. Exempt thereof are, of course, any intended press releases and photos.
Privacy Policy
You can find our privacy policy here. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at
Whistleblower Reportin Channel
A reporting channel is available for the anonymous submission of information on legal violations at MedAustron.
Final Provisions
The terms and conditions shall be governed by Austrian law. The place of jurisdiction for disputes arising in relation to this internet site is Wiener Neustadt. In the event that one of the provisions of these terms and conditions is not applicable or becomes invalid, this non-applicability shall not have any effect on the validity of the other provisions. Rather, instead of every ineffective clause, a clause corresponding with the purpose of the agreement or at least coming closest to achieving the same commercial result originally intended by the contractual parties, had they been aware of the invalidity of the provision, comes into effect. The same applies to any incompleteness.
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